A little bit of history
In 1916 by means of a law it was created the “Administración Nacional de Puertos”, ANP, and with that law it was created a monopoly to the ANP for all port services -including tug services- and no private company was allowed to work within uruguayan ports.
Some of the private companies were absorbed by the ANP and others dessapeared, but four small tug companies established in 1908 obtained a special permission to continue their activities but with very important restrictions. For example it was not permited to renew the fleet; therefore they were obliged to work only with small wooden hull tugs and steam engines. However, along those years, tugs were rebuilt and equipped with diesel engines from 200 HP up to 850 HP.
“Reyla S.A.” was established in 1960 as a consequence of the joint venture of the four above mentioned private tug companies which were operating tugs in Montevideo harbour since 1908.
In 1992 the above mentioned law was withdrawn, therefore Reyla S.A. commenced with big efforts to purchase more powerful tugs in order to offer better and more reliable harbour services, and also expanding activities to deep sea towage and salvage. Consequently at the present time in addition to the traditional harbor work we are performing ocean towages and successful salvages, looking permanently to develop new projects.
In June 2004 “Grupo Boluda Corporación Marítima” acquires the 100% of the stock package of “Remolcadores y Lanchas S.A.”, achieving a strategic positioning in one of the most attractive maritime regions of the Southern Cone, and where, according to Mr. Vicen Boluda Fos, President of the Company, “Uruguay appears as one of the countries with most possibilities of economic development in the short term”.